
Gems from Martyn Lloyd-Jones is unavailable, but you can change that!

This anthology of carefully chosen quotations from Martin Lloyd Jones is drawn from the vast range of Lloyds Jones’s sermons. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones was among the finest evangelical preachers of the twentieth century. His sermons at London’s Westminster Chapel drew large crowds and stirred the hearts and minds of his congregation. Here was a man to stir the passions of the evangelical soul! His...

Understand Adam and in a sense you will begin to understand Christ. The relationship of mankind to Adam is a picture of the relationship of the redeemed to the Lord Jesus Christ. Assurance, 179 Adam was perfect, sinless, completely innocent. Even God could not make a more perfect man than Adam, for Adam was made ‘in the image of God’. The Final Perseverance of the Saints, 360 Adam by creation was in a condition which was already immortal, and that he would continue as such to
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